Tuesday, August 23, 2005

It's easier to write about plants

The rich planty goodness flows out of me. Or something. Perhaps I should remember the lesson of my educational career: I only apply myself to things that I enjoy. Or something.

Anyway, being planty does cause a certain degree of observation of the detail of the world around me. Or the yard around me, as the case may be.

me take good pictures! see pretty butterfly?

So I got that going for me.

But here are my thoughts of the moment:

a) Charlie & The Chocolate Factory: Quite good, really. Excellent Oompa Loompa songs, not just lyrically, but musically. I'm not sure portraying Willy Wonka as quite that bipolar/OCD was neccesary though.

b) I like toast. It is crispy and warm and is excellent with jelly on it.

c) I am suffering from outrage burnout. Nothing our president or his cheerleaders in the punditocracy do of late seems to really piss me off. I wish I could say that it is because they've hit bottom. Alas, I'm quite sure they can sink far far lower.

d) I'm turning old soon. I feel like I ought to do something to celebrate the occasion, but few of my ideas are truly exciting me. Though a beer-b-que would be nice. But do I really feel like doing the work?

e) Girls are confusing.

That's all I got. My goodness, what a thoughtful and coherent post.


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